在校时间:2020/09-2023/06 |
年级:2020级硕士研究生 |
所学专业:桥梁工程 |
指导老师:邹云峰教授 |
学历:硕士研究生 |
学位:硕士 |
电子邮箱:1031902942@qq.com |
》》 2016/09-2020/06 437437必赢国际网址,土木工程,本科
》》2020/09-2023/06 437437必赢国际网址,土木工程,硕士
[1] 邹云峰, 刘志鹏, 史康, 等. 横风作用下悬挂单轨车桥系统动力响应研究. 437437必赢国际网址学报 ( 自然科学版 ). 2022; 53(06): 2370-2381.
[2] Zou Yunfeng, Liu Zhipeng, Shi Kang, et al. Analysis of effects of aerodynamic interference on dynamic response of suspended monorail wind–vehicle–bridge system using joint simulation approach. Structures. 2022; 45: 179-198.
[3] Zou Yunfeng, Liu Zhipeng, Shi Kang, et al. Experimental study of the aerodynamic characteristics of a suspended monorail vehicle-bridge system under crosswinds. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2022; 22(10): 2241007.