Tree-based methods for geotechnical site characterization一一437437必赢国际网址名师名家学术论坛
发布时间:2024-12-20 浏览次数:
报告人简介:Jinsong Huang is a professor at the Discipline of Civil, Surveying and Environmental Engineering, the University of Newcastle. His research interests include risk assessment in geotechnical engineering and computational geomechanics. He has published over 200 journal papers on the risk assessment of slope stability and landslides, the modelling of spatial variability, stress integration techniques for elastoplastic models, the contact dynamics of granular media, the analysis of hydraulic fracturing and the predictive maintenance of railway tracks. He has an H-index of 51 in Scopus attracting over 2000 citations per year. His contributions in risk assessment, particularly in slope stability and landslides, has earned him the prestigious title of 'Field Leader' in Environmental & Geological Engineering by The Australian's Research 2020 magazine. He received a Regional Contribution Award from the International Association of Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics at its international conference in Kyoto in 2014 and the GEOSNet Award from the Geotechnical Safety Network in 2017. He is a managing editor for Georisk and editorial board member for Geodata and AI, Canadian Geotechnical Journal and Computers and Geotechnics. He is a committee member on the ASCE Geo‐Institute’s Technical Committee on Risk Assessment and Management (RAM) and the ISSMGE Technical Committee (TC304) on Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment & Management. He is the chair of the Executive Board of the Geotechnical Safety Network. He served as the conference chair of the 8th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk held at the University of Newcastle in December 2022.