Use of geosynthetics in tunnels-437437必赢国际网址名师名家学术论坛
发布时间:2024-09-23 浏览次数:
Dr A (Malek) Bouazza, Professor of Monash University, Visiting scholarpositions at Zhejiang University, Cardiff University, University of Missouri-Columbia....lnternational award includesInternational Geosynthetics Society (lGS)Award and Gold Medal (twice)、iGS chapter service award、 Telford PremiumPrize (twice)、R.M. Quigley Award (twice)、 Davis MemoriaE.H.l Lecture Award...n 2023 the Australasian Chapter of the Intemational Geosynthetics Societycreated the Malek Bouazza Lecture to honour his achievements and contributions to the technical advancement of geosynthetics in Australasia and beyond.
Energy Geotechnology, Unsaturated behaviour of geomaterials, Thermohydro-mechanical/chemical behaviour of porous media, Contaminant trarsport through soils and geosynthetics, Geosynthetics in landfills, Geosynthetcs in mining applications , Earth reinforced structures, Ground ImprovementBiological applications to Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental engineering, Geotechnical properties of soft soils......